class Graphlb::Algorithms::BellmanFord
- Graphlb::Algorithms::BellmanFord
- Reference
- Object
Bellman Ford's algorithm is an algorithm for finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph,
Given a graph and source vertex Bellman Fords algorithm finds the shortest distance from the source vertex to all other vertices in the graph.
It also finds wheather a negative cycle is present in a graph or not
Defined in:
.new(graph, source)
Runs the Bellman_Ford Algorithm on the given graph and the source node
Instance Method Summary
#shortest_path(source, target)
constructs a path from source vertex to target vertex
constructs a path from source vertex to all other vertices in the graph
Constructor Detail
Runs the Bellman_Ford Algorithm on the given graph and the source node
If the graph contains a negative cycle it returns an exception
@param : graph, A directed graph
@param : Source, Source vertex form which the algorithm starts running
Instance Method Detail
constructs a path from source vertex to target vertex
@param : Source, the source vertex for the path
@param : target, The vertex till which the path should be constructed
@return : An array which contains all the vertices(path) to be travelled to reach from source to target vertex
constructs a path from source vertex to all other vertices in the graph
@param : Source, the source vertex for the path
@return : An array which contains all the vertices(path) to be travelled to reach from source vertex to all other vertices in the graph