class Graphlb::Algorithms::EdmondsKarp
- Graphlb::Algorithms::EdmondsKarp
- Reference
- Object
The Edmonds-Karp Algorithm is a specific implementation of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm. Like Ford-Fulkerson, Edmonds-Karp is also an algorithm that deals with the max-flow min-cut problem
Edmonds-Karp differs from Ford-Fulkerson in that it chooses the next augmenting path using breadth-first search (bfs). So, if there are multiple augmenting paths to choose from, Edmonds-Karp will be sure to choose the shortest augmenting path from the source to the sink.
Defined in:
graphlb/algorithms/edmonds_karp.crInstance Method Summary
#run(graph, source, sink)
Finds the maximum flow in the flow network graph
Instance Method Detail
Finds the maximum flow in the flow network graph
Given a source, sink and flow network the ford fulkerson algorithm runs on the graph. The algorithm starts form the source vetex and finds the maximum flow. This algorithm uses DFS to go to traverse the graph.
@param : graph, a directed graph with edge capacities,
@param : source, a source node where the algorithm starts,
@param : sink, a sink where the flow ends
@return : max_flow[Float64], the maximum flow in the flow network